Monday, June 10, 2013

Venturing into the unknown with philanthropy

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Lately, there has been a lot of buzz about how the definition of philanthropy must change for it to succeed against the challenges of society at present. Older methods serve their purpose to help solve one problem or two but, ultimately, the world needs more innovative ideas to come to the fore. For philanthropy to succeed against the ills of society at present, more people are called upon to venture into the unknown.

Previously, philanthropy was thought of to be a sort of side-effect to wealth. It was the endeavor of well-meaning and wealthy individuals who sought to help out others by donating to worthy causes. For a time, it helped many less fortunate individuals receive necessary support for things like their basic needs to required funds that empower them to seek a source of livelihood.

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This new type of philanthropy is all about a more hands-on and pro-active approach. It involves a lot of risks and, perhaps, some sacrifices to be made for each venture to produce significant results.

In trying to provide solutions to many of the world’s problems, revolutionary ideas are needed. Continuing to support proven methods are still important but for greater changes to happen, more philanthropists should seek out truly radical innovations that can transform what is considered to be the norm into something that is more sustainable and accessible to more and more people.

Like in investments, the philanthropists of today must seek out areas where there are great risks to find greater returns.


Find more articles about the challenges of modern philanthropy on this blog site for Alex von Furstenberg.