Sunday, November 25, 2012

Alex von Furstenberg supports human rights

Alex Von Furstenberg image credit:

Putting a stamp of solidarity with holocaust victims and survivors, Alex von Furstenberg, through The Diller–von Furstenberg Family Foundation, consistently gives support to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) located in Washington, D.C. Dubbed as the “living memorial to the Holocaust,” USHMM aims to “provide a powerful lesson in the fragility of freedom, the myth of progress, and the need for vigilance in preserving democratic values.” Furstenberg’s support to USHMM marks his admirable recognition of the need to promote the global crusade against hatred and the necessity to advance the cause of human rights.

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A brilliant businessman from the aristocratic Furstenberg family, he directs his philanthropic works to actions that seek the cultivation of human uprightness and the protection of human rights and dignity. Alex von Furstenberg’s precocious engagement with human rights causes, as proven by his support to USHMM and other organizations like the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights Watch, International Women’s Media Foundation, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam America, People for the American Way, Somaly Mam, and Vital Voices, is known throughout the philanthropic circles and speaks volume about his character: a man who values the sanctity of freedom.

Although consistently put forward through The Diller–von Furstenberg Family Foundation, Furstenberg’s pro-human rights philanthropic actions will always be an involvement never devoid of empathy and authentic sense of solidarity.

Alex Von Furstenberg image credit:

More information about Alex von Furstenberg is available at this Twitter page.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Alex von Furstenberg: Philanthropy at work

Alex von Furstenberg image credit:

Young industrialist Alex von Furstenberg is venturing on the type of goodness that Henry David Thoreau once agreed to be the only “investment that never fails.” Consistently keeping philanthropy at work, he recognizes the side of life where reaching out to people gives new meaning to success and puts forth a symbol of genuine corporate charity that honestly seeks to empower people and affect positive social changes.

As a long-time supporter of various noble causes, Furstenberg displays an example of a man who values the betterment of people as the road to social progress. Philanthropy is more than charity; it’s more than giving aid. What drives real philanthropy, as Alex von Furstenberg has shown throughout the years as director and secretary of The Diller–von Furstenberg Family Foundation, is the desire to see people find their potential to grow, witness communities discover their strengths and improve, and break the barriers of social apathy, intolerance, and mediocrity on both sides of any reality.

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What drowns hopes of poor people is neither the state of being disadvantaged nor the lack of opportunities. What puts people further down into the most abject condition is the inability to rise above situations and confront challenges. For Furstenberg, philanthropy works when it doesn’t totally give a crutch, but helps people realize that they have to create one out of something they have.

Alex von Furstenberg image credit:

For more updates on Alex von Furstenberg, follow this Twitter page.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Young industrialist Alex von Furstenberg supports good causes

Alex von Furstenberg Image Credit:

Philanthropist Alex von Furstenberg shows that the right business decisions should not always mean a cold predisposition to profits. What matters most, like what the brilliant and beloved tycoons of the past have learned and modeled, is the propensity to good things that uplift the poor—the downtrodden majority at the bottom of the social heap.

Alex von Furstenberg Image Credit:

Like good capitalists in any imaginable perfect world, giant firms and businesses are expected to indulge in social missions and to take responsibility for what happens in the world beneath their pinnacles of success. Successful people who have reached the apex of their dreams through sheer hard work are always worthy of praise, but few have that courage to look outside their glass windows and take their feet back to the muddy earth like Alex von Furstenberg has done many times over. A brilliant industrialist, von Furstenberg, the founder and current Ranger Global Advisors Chief Investment Officer, has never been remiss of that duty to give back to the community and to support the credible organizations that reach out to people in need.

There can be any wedge between business and noble causes. In this modern era of capitalism that thrives at the backdrop of abject poverty and deterioration of humanitarian values, people like von Furstenberg are beacons of hope—simply reinforcing goodness that lies at the very core of corporate actions and goals.

Alex Von Furstenberg Image Credit:

For more information on Alex von Furstenberg, follow this Twitter page.