Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Start small, dream big: Focusing on future changemakers

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When people think of the problems in society, they see many great obstacles to equality, peace, and prosperity. In the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, it can sometimes be easy to forget just how many people are willing to work and do some good in order to change the status quo.

Commonly overlooked in endeavors to make lasting changes to society are the young people. Adults often expect very little of the youth. They are repeatedly told to stay out of trouble and to continue with their studies. But what if the young people of today are already ready? What if they just need some encouragement and guidance to take on the larger problems in society?

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By averting one’s eyes from the problems for a while, one can see that there are many people who are willing to work for social change, including the youth. Presently, young people have already faced their fair share of inequalities found in society. Many of them have gone beyond themselves to show compassion, stand up against injustice, and contribute to their community.

As programs like the Peace First prize show, many of today’s youth do have great ideas on how to create lasting changes to society. Acknowledging their ideas seriously and inviting them to take on important roles as early as now can encourage them to continue working for their vision of a better future.

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Find more articles on effective philanthropy on this Alexander von Fürstenberg blog site.