Monday, May 20, 2013

From well-meaning to making a difference: Motivating philanthropy

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While monetary support is important in many philanthropic efforts, for others, understanding that true philanthropy requires a drive to change the status quo is more important. Indeed, in today’s world, there are still many problems in inequality that need to be remedied.

For one reason or another, there are many people who are in dire need of support and resources to reclaim their lives from poverty. There are systems in place that perpetuate the problems in society today, and changing the world for the better requires a lot more from people who can donate their time and effort to those in need.

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The act of giving is a good start to changing the situation that exists. To continue such efforts, however, innovative thinking is necessary. People behind philanthropic endeavors may also need to think of their programs as businesses. Beyond their intention to provide help for people who need it, they also need to think of ways to turn the program into something profitable – not for their own gain, but to ensure that the endeavor is self-sustaining.

Effective philanthropic endeavors can grow without being dependent on outside investment. From stop-gap measures that fill in for an immediate need, they can evolve into larger programs that serve to empower the people who were previously in need and may even benefit the community as a whole.

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Visit this blog site for Alexander von Fürstenberg to find various stories on efforts to change society for the better.