Monday, July 29, 2013

Philanthropy: It's not all about the money

People who view philanthropy as a financial baggage or a last option for a wealth strategy could see this as a strain on their pockets. But for those inclined to charitable giving, philanthropy could mean more than an optional responsibility reserved for excess wealth and unwanted assets. However, by developing a systematic strategy that is integrated with personal and wealth transfer goals, giving could lead to a purposeful endeavor that is not focused on the idea of giving money.

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This is what philanthropy means for The Naples Trust Company. It is committed to using philanthropy not just as a means of donating money but as a way to solve problems in the society. For the past decade, the company has dedicated over $1 million to nonprofit organizations to make a difference in its community.

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Similarly, The Diller – von Furstenberg Family Foundation, headed by Alex von Furstenberg, addresses generosity as a gratifying feat. The organization is guided by the shared values, concerns, and passions of its members. Its main vision is to improve people’s lives and strengthen communities. Community building, education, human rights, arts, health, and the environment are the primary sectors that receive the foundation’s support.

In philanthropic acts, money can never be ignored when measuring its depth, but the effect always comes in boundless possibilities.

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Businessman Alex von Furstenberg is actively involved in a variety of philanthropic work. Among the organizations he supports are the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, Literacy Partners, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America. This Twitter page provides more updates about him and his contributions to help others in need.